Sunday, 7 December 2014


# # # # 
Much harder 
To detect is
The 'Absence' 
Than the 'Presence',

Emphasis is
Greater on 
What is present 
What is absent. 

Experienced always is 
Presence of pain
But never recognized
The absence of pain.

What exists means
To us 
A lot more than
What is missing,
Oh ! this is 'feature-positive-effect'.

Why does something 
And not nothing exist ?
Why to ignore absence 
While the presence persist ?

Ode of Beethoven's
Ninth Symphony 
Manifested tears of joy
Do the joy feel miss
The Symphony 
If not at all composed ?


Let us adopt 
Perceiving non events too,
Let us not be blind to 
What apparently exists not. 

For a wholesome 
Thought process
The reality of  'absence' 
To get recognition too. 

Can't  we be happier 
Can't er be more effective 
By thinking adequately 
About the invisible dimension 
Than just locking ourselves 
In the cage of presence ?

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